Confirmation Bias

The Devil You Know: The Danger of Confirmation Bias in Project Management

In the world of project management, the impact of confirmation bias cannot be underestimated. It’s a danger that has proven its destructive power time and again. Take, for example, the cautionary tale of Theranos, a once-celebrated biotech startup poised to revolutionize blood testing. But lurking beneath the surface of its apparent success was a devil that everyone knows too well: confirmation bias. This insidious bias clouded the judgment of executives and investors, blinding them to dissenting voices and contradictory evidence. The result? A catastrophic fallout marked by legal battles, financial losses, and irreparably damaged reputations. The Theranos scandal is a stark reminder of the perils of confirmation bias and its potential to wreak havoc on even the most promising projects.

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It Doesn't Have to be Crazy at Work

Lessons for Driving Project Success from ‘It Doesn’t Have to be Crazy at Work”

As a project manager, I constantly seek ways to enhance my team’s productivity and achieve success. That is why I recommend “It Doesn’t Have to be Crazy at Work” by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson as an unexpected but valuable resource for project managers. After applying the principles from the book to my projects, I’ve identified three key ideas that can help drive success in project management. In this post, I’ll share these insights and explain how you apply them to your projects.

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Project Management Handbook

HBR Project Management Handbook

As an IT project manager, I’ve always observed the struggle for seamless alignment between the leaders and project managers tasked with delivering success. The “HBR Project Management Handbook” by Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez offers a simple framework for achieving this alignment and mastering the essential concepts and principles of project management in the Project Economy. The practical strategies, actual examples, and insights provided in this book will be invaluable in helping project managers ensure project success and delivery of value to stakeholders.

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Unexpected Project Management Reference

Unexpected Project Management References

As a project manager, you may be familiar with the standard project management texts, such as “The PMBOK Guide” and “Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time.” But what if I told you that you could find some of the most valuable insights and strategies for project management in the most unexpected places? That’s right, I’ve compiled a list of books that, on the surface, may not seem related to project management at all. But as you dig deeper, you’ll find they are chock-full of valuable insights and strategies that can help you improve your project management skills.

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email project management

Email is Killing Project Management

Say goodbye to email chaos and hello to streamlined project management. Email may have once been a trusted tool. It has become a burden for project managers, who find themselves bogged down by endless inboxes instead of focusing on the project at hand. But in today’s fast-paced world, there’s a better way. By embracing a combination of email and project management techniques, project managers can take back control of their workload and revolutionize their approach to communication.

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Cancel your project status meeting

Cancel Your Project Status Meeting

As a project manager, it’s tempting to stick to the tried and true tradition of weekly project status meetings. But have you ever stopped to think if these meetings are necessary? The idea of canceling your project status meeting may seem insane, but I’m here to share a secret with you. As a seasoned project manager, I can tell you firsthand that there’s a better way to stay on top of project progress. Get ready to challenge the status quo and discover why canceling your project status meeting might be the best decision you make for your team.

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Do We Need Project Managers

Do We Need Project Managers?

Do we need project managers? In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, it is a question I often find myself asking. With new technologies and tools emerging all the time, it can be tempting to believe that project management is becoming automated and that human project managers are becoming obsolete. But despite these advancements, the demand for project managers continues to grow. So why is there still a need for human project managers in an era of AI and automation?

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Project management survival guide

Project Management Survival Guide

Project management is a challenging and demanding profession. But for those who are determined to succeed, rewards can be substantial. However, without proper tools and guidance, success can be tumultuous. The Project Management Survival Guide offers valuable insights and practical advice for those ready to take on the challenges of this complex and constantly evolving field.

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